About Us




Axis SL have over 40 years combined experience of working with NPS Service Users in both male and female Probation Hostels, Prison, Courts and also Supported Accommodation. As such, we are able to offer consistent support and a genuine understanding of Service Users' individual requirements


Our aim is to provide good quality, short term supported accommodation to those who would otherwise struggle to access this or lack the knowledge and experience in managing the day to day demands of maintaining a tenancy. We provide homes rather than houses where tenants can work towards long term goals and feel safe enough to want to build a new life.


Our ethos that offering a stable base, a good quality home, support and a sense of responsibility means individuals are less likely to engage in criminal activity therefore reducing re-offending.




Submit Referral






Client Interview






Property Selection






Tenant Move-in




Axis SL offer supported accommodation to a particular group of individuals within those that are subject to National Probation Service supervision. Whilst housing is an ongoing issue for all, we aim to help those that have chosen to disist from their previous criminal activity but are finding the pathway to accommodation increasingly difficult due to their offending background, need for benefits support and lack of previous experience living independently.


Our criteria includes:

 - Have a minimum of 6 months licence remaining with NPS

 - Are free from alcohol or substance use and/or are receiving rehabilitation from third party services

 - Have shown a period of stability within either a hostel placement or other accommodation

 - Have demonstrated a need and willingness to engage with support services


Organisations wishing to refer to our service should, in the first instance, complete a referral form. After an initial evaluation, potential tenants will then be asked to attend an assessment to review in more detail their current situation and discuss their suitability for our scheme. Successful applicants will then be allocated a suitable property based upon their individual needs and once found, a move-in date will be agreed with NPS and any other relevant organisations. We encourage organisations to discuss candidates before completing a referral if they are unsure of our criteria. 


Tenant One

Having a good place to live and call my own linked with the support I have received from Axis has made it possible for me to start again.

Without this opportunity of a home and someone to talk to when things get on top of me I don't know where I would have been. I have started to rebuild my life  and feel positive about the future for the firswt time in a long time.

Probation Officer

The support aspect has been a lifeline for many of my clients. This is assisted by the friendly approach and positive rapport that the AXIS staff build with tenants.Support is needs based, which means that this fits specifically to an individual tenants needs/requirements, rather than 'one size fits all'. This is assisted by the addition of an extensive knowledge in a range of criminal justice and welfare matters that the AXIS staff have.

Tenant Two

A big thank you to Axis for all their help and support over the last twelve months. Having a home and permanent address has helped me to rebuild the relationship with my family.


Axis have always been very understanding of my circumstances. Iv'e now found employment and am looking forward to getting my own property in the near future