Emergency Support


Our aim is to provide access to support seven days per week. Outside our normal office hours, tenants are provided with an emergency contact number that will allow access to a member of staff on evenings and weekends.  

We are able to help with:

  • Summoning emergency services assistance
  • Actioning emergency repairs
  • Enabling access to buildings
  • Providing advice and reassurance
  • Liaising with nominated contacts


Emergency repairs.

Emergencies are problems that present immediate risks to your safety, security or health, for example, loss of heating in winter, or flooding. Emergency repairs are:

  • Loss of mains water or complete loss of electricity.
  • Burst plumbing or flood that cannot be stopped by turning off the water.
  • No heating or hot water ( if no secondary heating is present).
  • Unsafe or broken doors and windows.
  • Gas leaks.
  • Collapsed ceilings.

Non-emergency repairs

There are plenty of times when a maintenance or repair job is needed in your home but it’s not quite classed as an emergency. We still want to help fix the problem as soon as we can. All you have to do is contact us.

Non-emergency repairs are things you can reasonably live with for a short time without immediate risk to your safety, security or health, for example, an internal door repair or plastering. Routine repairs will be carried out within 1-28 days

What repairs are our tenants responsible for?

If they are responsible for causing damage then we may ask them to pay to fix the problem. If they are liable for the cost of a repair and we have to carry it out then they will be charged for it.

What do we provide:

Out of hours emergency telephone number to all tenants once the property is occupied


Assistance with summoning emergency services 


Providing advice and reassurance


Liaising with nominated contacts


Actioning emergency repairs


Enabling access to buildings